We are a leading engineering manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic shock absorbers for all rolling stock, complex components for pneumatic and transport equipment for final producers. The production of shock absorbers is based on the results of our own development, which began in 1983. In addition to top engineering production, we have also been operating business activities in the field of tourism and innovative education since 2012.
- 1973 ~ The establishment of the company as part of the First Brno Engineering Company Brno
- 1993 ~ Privatization of the company under the name STROJÍRNA OSLAVANY, spol. s.r.o
- 2001 ~ Restructuring of the company and transition to a divisional arrangement
- 2009 ~ New company development strategy with the help of EU subsidy projects in the OPPI and ROP program
- 2017 ~ Transformation of the company into an organizational structure based on the principles of process management, which helps the fulfillment of visions, strategic intentions and goals.